% ARTOA ini file for dimes first three floats [files] -soundsourcefile C:\MyData\RAFOS\HAFOS.soso %-soundsourcefile C:\MyData\RAFOS\TESTwithOFFSETS.soso -floatfile ..\HAFOS.flo % not used in artoa4 yet -bathyfile ..\HAFOS.prj % not used in artoa4 yet -etopo C:\MyData\TOPO\etopo1_ice_c.flt -floatProfiles \\smb.isibhv.dmawi.de\projects\argoAWI\data\apex_analysis\mat\nemo_data.mat -trackingContours C:\MyData\ARTOA\contours_Grid5000_Step50.mat [directory] -interim C:\MyData\RAFOS\ -rfb C:\MyData\RAFOS\ -soundsource C:\MyData\RAFOS\ -ancillary C:\MyData\ARTOA\ % the following parameters are not yet used in artoa4 -argos .. -rft .. -cla2 .. -trj4 C:\MyData\RAFOS\ -rfc C:\MyData\RAFOS\ -DLDargos .. -hdr .. -status -surface -ric C:\MyData\RAFOS\ [filemask] -interim *.itm -rfb *.rfb -soundsource *.soso % the following parameters are not yet used in artoa4 -session *.sel -argos *.arg -header *.hdr -rft *.rft -cla2 *.cla2 -rfc *.rfc -trj4 *.trj4 -status *.sts -surface *.sfc -ric *.ric -diaric *.diaric [load] % the following parameters are not yet used in artoa4 -savesession 0 -cycledelimiter - [view] -hidedeleteddatapoints 0 -toapointsize 9 [trajectoryOutput] -limitlat -72 -66 -limitlon -55 -15 [defaults] -pressure NaN -temperature NaN -toa NaN -topographical_lines -2000 -1000 -000 [offsetvariations] 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 [leapseconds] 1 1 1972 10 1 7 1972 11 1 1 1973 12 1 1 1974 13 1 1 1975 14 1 1 1976 15 1 1 1977 16 1 1 1978 17 1 1 1979 18 1 1 1980 19 1 7 1981 20 1 7 1982 21 1 7 1983 22 1 7 1985 23 1 1 1988 24 1 1 1990 25 1 1 1991 26 1 7 1992 27 1 7 1993 28 1 7 1994 29 1 1 1996 30 1 7 1997 31 1 1 1999 32 1 1 2006 33 1 1 2009 34 1 7 2012 35 1 7 2015 36 1 1 2017 37 [soundsourcecolors] 230 25 75 60 180 75 255 225 25 0 130 200 245 130 48 145 30 180 70 240 240 240 50 230 210 245 60 250 190 190 0 128 128 230 190 255 170 110 40 255 250 200 128 0 0 170 255 195 128 128 0 255 215 180 0 0 128 128 128 128