function [soundvelocity] = selectSoundspeed() %SELECTSOUNDSPEED Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here global artoaWorkspace; %% Get required variables soundsourceNames = fieldnames(artoaWorkspace.filteredSoundsources); trackParameter =, {'trackParameter'}, false); soundspeedTable =, {'editOffsets', 'soundspeed'}, false); %% Get used method if ~islogical(trackParameter) method = trackParameter.soundspeedMethodString; else method = 'del grosso'; end %% Fill with manual values or NaN if ~islogical(soundspeedTable) initMatrix = repmat(soundspeedTable{'Soundspeed', 'Empirical'}, length(soundsourceNames), 1); else initMatrix = NaN(length(soundsourceNames), 1); end %% Initialize table soundvelocity = table(initMatrix, 'RowNames', soundsourceNames); %% If manual has been chosen, we are ready if strcmpi(method, 'manual') return; end %% Get every velocity for each soundsource if strcmpi(method, 'soundsource file') for i = 1:length(soundsourceNames) soundvelocity{soundsourceNames{i}, 1} = ... artoaWorkspace.filteredSoundsources.(soundsourceNames{i}).sound_speed; end return; end soundvelocity{:, :} = ... artoaWorkspace.temperature(artoaWorkspace.statusTemperature == 1), ... artoaWorkspace.pressure(artoaWorkspace.statusPressure == 1), ... method ... ); end