function [velocityTotal, velocityLatitude, velocityLongitude] = horizontalVelocity(pLatitude, pLongitude, pInterval, pMethod, pNop) % 29 October 2003, HHFurey. This routine does not account for % discontinuous segments of track being passed, and therefore returns % erroneous results. Not true - data passed in is bad - some segments that % are discontinuous are passed through with NaNs as filler, but others are not! % Hmmm ... working on r023 as a test case, this has three discontinous segments % of track. if nargin < 4 pMethod='average'; end if nargin < 5 pNop=1; end %save debug_02 % nautic miles in kilometers nm_in_km=60*1.852; velocityTotal=-9.99*ones(size(pLatitude))*NaN; velocityLatitude=-9.99*ones(size(pLatitude))*NaN; velocityLongitude=-9.99*ones(size(pLatitude))*NaN; if strcmp(pMethod,'average'); % centered mean between point ix+nop and ix-nop, centered at ix for ix=1:length(pLatitude) if ~((ix-pNop < 1) | (ix+pNop > length(pLatitude))) if ~any(isnan(pLatitude([ix-pNop:ix+pNop]))) dkm =[pLatitude(ix-pNop) pLongitude(ix-pNop)] , [pLatitude(ix+pNop) pLongitude(ix+pNop)]); %[m/s] velocityTotal(ix)=(dkm*1000)/(pInterval*2*pNop); velocityLatitude(ix)=((pLatitude(ix+pNop)-pLatitude(ix-pNop))*nm_in_km*1000)/(pInterval*2*pNop); velocityLongitude(ix)=((pLongitude(ix+pNop)-pLongitude(ix-pNop))*nm_in_km*1000*cos(pLatitude(ix)/180*pi))/(pInterval*2*pNop); end end end elseif strcmp(pMethod,'backward'); % shifted means between points ix and ix-nop for ix=1:length(pLatitude) if ~(ix-pNop < 1) if ~any(isnan(pLatitude([ix-pNop,ix])))[pLatitude(ix-pNop) pLongitude(ix-pNop)], [pLatitude(ix) pLongitude(ix)]); velocityTotal(ix)=(dkm*1000)/(pInterval*pNop); velocityLatitude(ix)=((pLatitude(ix)-pLatitude(ix-pNop))*nm_in_km*1000)/(pInterval*pNop); velocityLongitude(ix)=((pLongitude(ix)-pLongitude(ix-pNop))*nm_in_km*1000*cos(pLatitude(ix)/180*pi))/(pInterval*pNop); end end end elseif strcmp(pMethod,'forward'); % shifted means between points ix and ix+nop for ix=1:length(pLatitude) if ~(ix+pNop > length(pLatitude)) if ~any(isnan(pLatitude([ix,ix+pNop])))[pLatitude(ix+pNop) pLongitude(ix+pNop)], [pLatitude(ix) pLongitude(ix)]); velocityTotal(ix)=(dkm*1000)/(pInterval*pNop); velocityLatitude(ix)=((pLatitude(ix+pNop)-pLatitude(ix))*nm_in_km*1000)/(pInterval*pNop); velocityLongitude(ix)=((pLongitude(ix+pNop)-pLongitude(ix))*nm_in_km*1000*cos(pLatitude(ix)/180*pi))/(pInterval*pNop); end end end elseif strcmp(pMethod,'spline'); % spline at 2hour intervals % spline latitude and longitudes and calculate velocities % dummies must be excluded for the spline resolution = 2; % this is the resolution at which spline will be performed step = pInterval/3600/24; % interval lenght between successive data points [days] time = 0:step:length(pLatitude)*step; % creates virtural time basis for raw data time = time(:); index = find(pLatitude<999); % find dummies, might be different value within artoa pLatitude = pLatitude(index); pLongitude=pLongitude(index); time = time(index); % filter out dummies % new timebase: every 2 hours including first and last time if isempty(time) dummy = 3; end time_min = time(1); time_max = time(size(time,1)); % save for later %time_spl = linspace(time_min, time_max,(time_max-time_min)*24/resolution+1 ); % time basis for spline [days] %Corrected by T. Reynaud: 22/06/2005 time_spl = time_min:resolution/24:time_max; time_spl = time_spl(:); lat_spl_f = csape(time,pLatitude,[2 1]); lat_spl = fnval(lat_spl_f,time_spl); v_spl_f = fnder(lat_spl_f); v_spl = fnval(v_spl_f,time_spl) *60*1.852*1000/(3600*24) ; % [m/s] lon_spl_f = csape(time,pLongitude,[2 1]); lon_spl = fnval(lon_spl_f,time_spl); u_spl_f = fnder(lon_spl_f); u_spl = fnval(u_spl_f,time_spl) .*cos(lat_spl/180*pi)*60*1.852*1000/(3600*24) ; % [m/s] % subsample to original rate: %save debug_tr for i = 1:length(time) % indi(i) = find(time_spl == time(i)); %Modified by T.Reynaud: 22/03/2005 indi(i) = find(abs(time_spl-time(i)) <= 0.000000000001); end %figure %title('control plot for spline function') %plot(lon_spl,lat_spl); hold on %plot(lon,lat,'rx'); %zoom on; velocityLongitude(index) = u_spl(indi); velocityLatitude(index) = v_spl(indi); velocityTotal(index) = sqrt(u_spl(indi).^2 + v_spl(indi).^2); end %%%%%%%%%%%%% idea for faster calculation of 'cetered mean' %v = NaN*ones(size(data(:,7))) %v(2:length(data)-1,1) = data(1:length(data)-2,6) %v(2:length(data)-1,2) = data(3:length(data),6) %v = diff(v')' %v = v*60*1.852*1000*100/3600/24