function [] = initializeArtoa4(pForce) %INITIALIZEARTOA4 Initializes variables required for artoa4 and creates the main window if required. % global artoaDataInput artoaWorkspace artoaGui artoaConfig; %% Parameter check if ~exist('pForce', 'var') pForce = false; end %% When the gui exists, focus it if isfield(artoaGui, 'figures') && isfield(artoaGui.figures, 'main') && ~pForce figure(artoaGui.figures.main.Number); return end %% Initalize required variables artoaDataInput = struct(); artoaWorkspace = struct(); artoaWorkspace.hideDeletedDataPoints = false; artoaWorkspace.artoaVersion = ['4' artoa.versioning.getVersionString(true)]; artoaWorkspace.plugins = struct(); artoaWorkspace.plugins.tracking = struct(); if ~pForce artoaGui = struct(); artoaGui.figures = struct(); artoaGui.main = struct(); artoaGui.callbacks = struct(); end artoaGui.trackParameter = struct(); artoaWorkspace.editOffsets = struct(); artoaWorkspace.editOffsets.useOffsets = false; %% Read ini file if existent artoa.controller.file.loadArtoaIni(); %% Configure artoa defaults artoa.controller.addDefaults(); %% Read soundsource file if existent try soundsourceFilepath = artoaConfig.files.soundsourcefile; if ~isfile(soundsourceFilepath) error([mfilename ': ' soundsourceFilepath ' is not a file. Please check your artoa.ini!']); end artoaDataInput.soundsources = artoa.load.soundsources(soundsourceFilepath); catch ex error([mfilename ': Reading soundsource file failed with the following message: ' ex.message]); end %% Initialize all plugins artoa.plugins.initialize(); %% Open main gui; %% Move main window to the center of the screen if ~pForce movegui(artoaGui.figures.main, 'center'); end %% Update the settings defined by ini if, {'view', 'hidedeleteddatapoints'}, false) artoa.controller.switchHideDeletedPoints(); end end