function [scatterHandles, textHandles] = plotTrajectoryReferencePositions(pAxesHandle, pTrajectory, pColor, pPlotAsMap) %PLOTTRAJECTORYREFERENCEPOSITIONS Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here x = []; y = []; n = []; for i = 1:length(pTrajectory.trackParameter.soundsourceCombinations.referencePosition) current = pTrajectory.trackParameter.soundsourceCombinations.referencePosition{i}; if strcmp('', strtrim(current)) continue; end tmp = str2double(strsplit(current)); x = [x; tmp(2)]; y = [y; tmp(1)]; n = [n; i]; end %% Plot % make handle the current axes axes(pAxesHandle); hold(pAxesHandle, 'on'); if pPlotAsMap scatterHandles = scatterm(pAxesHandle, y, x, [], pColor, 'x'); else scatterHandles = scatter(pAxesHandle, x, y, [], pColor, 'x'); end % Plot text textHandles = cell(1, length(x)); if pPlotAsMap for i = 1:length(x) textHandles{i} = textm( ... y(i), x(i), {'', [' ' num2str( '.' num2str(n(i))]}, ... 'Color', pColor ... ); end else for i = 1:length(x) textHandles{i} = text( ... pAxesHandle, x(i), y(i), {'', [' ' num2str( '.' num2str(n(i))]}, ... 'Color', pColor ... ); end end hold(pAxesHandle, 'off'); end