A cross plattform project for android and ios to log events offline everywhere and sync them to sensor. Developed with flutter. A short how to use can be found below documentation/
- Config page: Select the collection and get corresponding devices, all event types. Store all this to a local persistent configuraion.
- Add Event Page: Allow selection of a device and adding a new event with all details. Add button adds the event to the staged events. Fields are not cleared but kept as they are.
- Staged Event: Show all entered and not yet uploaded events. Allow modification of all fields here. Alternatively show all events including uploaded once.
Local Data Concept
- The configuration widget is used to get the online available information for available devices and event creation.
- This includes: All collections, All devices part of a selected collection, Event operation types
- This "base data" is required to provide the dropdown menu options on the addevent page.
- This "base data" is stored persistently, so that it is also available offline!
Add Event Page
- Usw Switch for automatic GNSS and Time update.
- Show "now" time button only if GNSS is disabled. This button shall fill the timestamp with the current utc time.
- Add stores the event to a local sql database
- A slide switch activates GNSS locationing. A field shall signal the GNSS status "no fix" or "x m presision". The fields lat, long, elevation and timestamp are updated automatically if GNSS is enabled.
- Input validation is done according Free Text: "a-z , A-Z , _ , 0-9 , ,(Comma) , ( , ) , + , - , . , :" -90 => Latitude <= +90 -180 => Longitude <= +180 Elevation: any numer
View & Sync Page
- Events added on the addevent page are stored persistently (sql database). They can be displayed in the view events widget. Each event has a flag which shows if the event is already exported to sensor. A slide switch allowes to show all events?
Configuration Page
- Switch to select if Mission or Collection based.
- Dropdown "Collection" to select a collection / mission
- Button "get Collection devices from Sensor"
- Button "store Collection devices locally"
- Select a Mission from the new Sensor-Mission-Management to get a set of devices.
- Username und passwort. "Test login on store even if not required here"
- Functionality to export events locally for backup in the field!
- Allow adding an event to more than one device (urn)! "make UrnId => UrnIds" sync a event to every listed urn. ? Really needed?
- Compile an Apple iOS version.
- On older Android 6 Devices the following error is shown" OS Error CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: certificate has expired". Fix or require at least Android x?
- Add Git Tags as version information and show in app.
- Implement switch to select sandbox or productive version?
UI Feedback
- Desired Colors
DAM Arctic: #00afb9 DAM Ocean: #0f1e50
Feedbackpopups: Background: #CEEDEB Text: #57827E
- Add Icon to Add, View and Configuration button. Then use uppercase Text.
- Create Logo for App and replace Flutter default Image
- Add Impressum: CC-BY licence
- Add Legal Notice as on
- animated Feedbackpopup on first line : "speech bubble" (Download successfull) Show pop up for 2s. "Detail information as is below the collection dropdown menu.
- Collection List Drop Down. Item separation "grey line" + Abbort button. "Highlight "chosen collection" italic or pinned on top. Sort alphabetic.
- Add a selection mode functionality. 1. Own devices (based on e-mail adress as editor on devices), 2. Collections, 3. Mission management based
- Split in two widgets? 1st to login und 2nd to configure. Allow configuration only with successfull login?
Add Event
- Show * next to lable for required fields.
- Event Type /URN Item separation and hightlighting chosen type as in configuration.
- Is a field for end time required here?
- Label with counting up number?
- Block creation of a new event for e.g. 2 seconds after creation. This shall prevent unintended creation of multiple events.
- Deactivate Timestamp field and Now button if GNSS sync active.
- Choose Urns in configuration: Label on Add Event is beeing cleared but GNSS data is not Harmonize.
- GNSS switch next to lat long elevation field. Similar as the NOW field. (Feedback from Dana)
- Sort URN list alphabetic!
View & Events
- "All Events" "Pending Events" on first line above table. Alligned right. 50pix hight distance to table start.
- Multiple lines for one event to reduce width. Alternative: Do not show all event details in table but show them in a separate widget on selection. This could also be the view to edit event details.
- Edit mode (only pending events). Select an event and open event in edit mode with all details (including start and finish time), allow to remove event.
- Feedback "Success" to line above table and below top bar.
- Clone event data from here to Add Event widget.
- Allow upload of pictures check interface how to upload with sensor.
- How to log events for a device which does not exist yet? Dummy device in app and assign befor upload?
- Collection im Feld auswähle, Collection - Arbeitsgruppenzugehörigkeit.
- URN Dropdown filter by character. ~500 Geräte Verankerungsgeräte. Mission Sub Subcollecction/ Submission z.B. Verankerung oder Eisarbeiten oder Bojen?
- unique labels are desired by PANGAEA. Is adding the MissionName as a prefix to label usfull?
- Document taken sample via IGSN number QR Code? Scan a QR code.