diff --git a/lib/addevent.dart b/lib/addevent.dart
index d3e61c53243ef1e7d54a0afd685bc02656a5d21d..66fe92b2209c332fa0cdabf4336b03137d785047 100644
--- a/lib/addevent.dart
+++ b/lib/addevent.dart
@@ -15,47 +15,19 @@ class AddEvent extends StatefulWidget {
 class _AddEventPageState extends State<AddEvent>  {
   bool syncGNSSData = true;
-  late LocationPermission permission;
-  late Position position;
   late String long = "";
   late String lat = "";
   late String alt = "";
   late double accuracy = 0.0;
-  late StreamSubscription<Position> positionStream;
-  LocationSettings locationSettings = const LocationSettings(
-    accuracy: LocationAccuracy.high,
-    distanceFilter: 0,
-  );
+  late StreamSubscription<Position> streamHandler;
-  getLocation() async {
-    StreamSubscription<Position> positionStream = Geolocator.getPositionStream(
-        locationSettings: locationSettings).listen((Position position) {
-      debugPrint('Get Location: Lat:' + position.latitude.toString() +
-          ' Long:' + position.longitude.toString() +
-          ' Alt:' + position.altitude.toString());
-      long = position.longitude.toString();
-      lat = position.latitude.toString();
-      alt = position.altitude.toString();
-      accuracy = position.accuracy;
-      if (syncGNSSData == true) {
-        if(mounted){
-          setState(() {
-            //refresh UI on update
-          });}
-      };
-    });
-  }
-  startGNSS() async {
+  Future startGNSS() async {
     debugPrint("Check Location Permission");
     bool serviceStatus = false;
     bool hasPermission = false;
     serviceStatus = await Geolocator.isLocationServiceEnabled();
-      permission = await Geolocator.checkPermission();
+      LocationPermission permission = await Geolocator.checkPermission();
       if (permission == LocationPermission.denied) {
         permission = await Geolocator.requestPermission();
@@ -69,15 +41,34 @@ class _AddEventPageState extends State<AddEvent>  {
         hasPermission = true;
         debugPrint('Location permissions granted');
           setState(() {
             //refresh the UI
-          });};
+          });}
+        debugPrint('Starting location stream');
+        streamHandler = Geolocator.getPositionStream(
+            locationSettings: const LocationSettings(
+              accuracy: LocationAccuracy.high,
+              distanceFilter: 0,
+            )).listen((Position position) {
+          debugPrint('Get Location: Lat:' + position.latitude.toString() +
+              ' Long:' + position.longitude.toString() +
+              ' Alt:' + position.altitude.toString());
+          long = position.longitude.toString();
+          lat = position.latitude.toString();
+          alt = position.altitude.toString();
+          accuracy = position.accuracy;
-        getLocation();
+          if (syncGNSSData == true) {
+            if(mounted){
+              setState(() {
+                //refresh UI on update
+              });}
+          }
+        });
       debugPrint("GPS Service is not enabled, turn on GPS location");
@@ -91,9 +82,24 @@ class _AddEventPageState extends State<AddEvent>  {
   void initState() {
+  @override
+  void dispose() {
+    try {
+      streamHandler.cancel();
+      debugPrint('Cancel location stream');
+    }catch(e){
+      debugPrint('Canceling location stream failed');
+    }
+    super.dispose();
+    //TODO: only if initialized positionStream.cancel();
+  }
   void _storeCurrentEvent() {
     final EventStoreInstance eventsStore = EventStoreInstance();
     eventsStore.currentEvent.status = "PENDING";
@@ -122,8 +128,6 @@ class _AddEventPageState extends State<AddEvent>  {
     final ConfigurationStoreInstance configuration = ConfigurationStoreInstance();
     String gnssStatusText = "";
-    final formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>(); //key for form
     if (true == syncGNSSData){
       // Update current event coordinates from GNSS stream
@@ -146,183 +150,205 @@ class _AddEventPageState extends State<AddEvent>  {
       gnssStatusText = "GNSS Disabled"; // Just display existing event coordinates
-    return Scaffold(
-      appBar: AppBar(title: const Text("Add Event")),
-      body:
-      Column(
-          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
-          children: <Widget>[
-            TextFormField(
-              initialValue: eventsStore.currentEvent.label,
-              autovalidateMode: AutovalidateMode.onUserInteraction,
-              decoration: const InputDecoration(
-                  labelText: 'Label',
-                  errorText: 'Only: a-z , A-Z , _ , 0-9 , ,(Comma) , ( , ) , + , - , . , :'
-              ),
-              onChanged: (value) {
-                eventsStore.currentEvent.label = value;
-              },
-              validator: (value){
-                if(!RegExp(r'^[a-z A-Z . \- 0-9 , ( ) + - _ :]+$').hasMatch(value!)){
-                  return "Only: a-z , A-Z , _ , 0-9 , ,(Comma) , ( , ) , + , - , . , :";
-                }else{
-                  eventsStore.currentEvent.label = value;
-                  return '';  // Entered Text is valid
-                }
-              },
-            ),
-            DropdownButtonFormField(
-                value: eventsStore.currentEvent.type,
+    if (configuration.initialized == true) {
+      return Scaffold(
+        appBar: AppBar(title: const Text("Add Event")),
+        body:
+        Column(
+            mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
+            children: <Widget>[
+              TextFormField(
+                initialValue: eventsStore.currentEvent.label,
+                autovalidateMode: AutovalidateMode.onUserInteraction,
                 decoration: const InputDecoration(
-                  labelText: 'Event Type',
+                    labelText: 'Label',
+                    errorText: 'Only: a-z , A-Z , _ , 0-9 , ,(Comma) , ( , ) , + , - , . , :'
-                items:
-                configuration.eventTypes.map((EventType event) {
-                  return DropdownMenuItem(
-                    value: event.name,
-                    child: Text(event.name),
-                  );
-                }).toList(),
                 onChanged: (value) {
-                  eventsStore.currentEvent.type = value.toString();
-                }
-            ),
-            DropdownButtonFormField(
-                value: eventsStore.currentEvent.urn,
+                  eventsStore.currentEvent.label = value;
+                },
+                validator: (value) {
+                  if (!RegExp(r'^[a-z A-Z . \- 0-9 , ( ) + - _ :]+$').hasMatch(
+                      value!)) {
+                    return "Only: a-z , A-Z , _ , 0-9 , ,(Comma) , ( , ) , + , - , . , :";
+                  } else {
+                    eventsStore.currentEvent.label = value;
+                    return ''; // Entered Text is valid
+                  }
+                },
+              ),
+              DropdownButtonFormField(
+                  value: eventsStore.currentEvent.type,
+                  isExpanded: true,
+                  decoration: const InputDecoration(
+                    labelText: 'Event Type',
+                  ),
+                  items:
+                  configuration.eventTypes.map((EventType event) {
+                    return DropdownMenuItem(
+                      value: event.name,
+                      child: Text(event.name),
+                    );
+                  }).toList(),
+                  onChanged: (value) {
+                    eventsStore.currentEvent.type = value.toString();
+                  }
+              ),
+              DropdownButtonFormField(
+                  value: eventsStore.currentEvent.urn,
+                  isExpanded: true,
+                  decoration: const InputDecoration(
+                    labelText: 'URN',
+                  ),
+                  items:
+                  configuration.devices.map((Device device) {
+                    return DropdownMenuItem(
+                      value: device.urn,
+                      child: Text(device.urn),
+                    );
+                  }).toList(),
+                  onChanged: (value) {
+                    eventsStore.currentEvent.urn = value.toString();
+                    eventsStore.currentEvent.id =
+                        configuration.getDeviceIdFromUrn(value.toString());
+                  }
+              ),
+              TextFormField(
+                initialValue: eventsStore.currentEvent.description,
                 decoration: const InputDecoration(
-                  labelText: 'URN',
+                    labelText: 'Description'
-                items:
-                configuration.devices.map((Device device) {
-                  return DropdownMenuItem(
-                    value: device.urn,
-                    child: Text(device.urn),
-                  );
-                }).toList(),
                 onChanged: (value) {
-                  eventsStore.currentEvent.urn = value.toString();
-                  eventsStore.currentEvent.id = configuration.getDeviceIdFromUrn(value.toString());
-                }
-            ),
-            TextFormField(
-              initialValue: eventsStore.currentEvent.description,
-              decoration: const InputDecoration(
-                  labelText: 'Description'
+                  eventsStore.currentEvent.description = value;
+                },
-              onChanged: (value) {
-                eventsStore.currentEvent.description = value;
-              },
-            ),
-            Row(
-                mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
-                children: <Widget>[
-                  Flexible(child:
-                  TextFormField(
-                    controller: TextEditingController(text: eventsStore.currentEvent.startDate),
-                    readOnly: true,
-                    decoration: const InputDecoration(
-                      labelText: 'Timestamp',
-                      //helperText: '', //Adds some space below field
-                      border: OutlineInputBorder(),
+              Row(
+                  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+                  children: <Widget>[
+                    Flexible(child:
+                    TextFormField(
+                      controller: TextEditingController(
+                          text: eventsStore.currentEvent.startDate),
+                      readOnly: true,
+                      decoration: const InputDecoration(
+                        labelText: 'Timestamp',
+                        //helperText: '', //Adds some space below field
+                        border: OutlineInputBorder(),
+                      ),
+                      onTap: () {
+                        DatePicker.showDateTimePicker(context,
+                            showTitleActions: true,
+                            onConfirm: (date) {
+                              //Only one field for start and end date.
+                              eventsStore.currentEvent.startDate = '$date';
+                              eventsStore.currentEvent.endDate = '$date';
+                              debugPrint('Date set to : $date');
+                              setState(() {});
+                            },
+                            currentTime: DateTime.now().toUtc(),
+                            locale: LocaleType.en);
+                      },
+                    ),
+                    ),
+                    ElevatedButton(
+                      onPressed: () {
+                        var date = DateTime.now().toUtc();
+                        eventsStore.currentEvent.startDate = '$date';
+                        eventsStore.currentEvent.endDate = '$date';
+                        debugPrint('Date set to : ' +
+                            eventsStore.currentEvent.endDate.toString());
+                        setState(() {});
+                      },
+                      child: Text('Now'),
-                    onTap: () {
-                      DatePicker.showDateTimePicker(context,
-                          showTitleActions: true,
-                          onConfirm: (date) {
-                            //Only one field for start and end date.
-                            eventsStore.currentEvent.startDate = '$date';
-                            eventsStore.currentEvent.endDate = '$date';
-                            debugPrint('Date set to : $date');
-                            setState(() {
-                            });
-                          },
-                          currentTime: DateTime.now().toUtc(),
-                          locale: LocaleType.en);
-                    },
+                  ]
+              ),
+              TextFormField(
+                  readOnly: false,
+                  enabled: !syncGNSSData,
+                  controller: TextEditingController(
+                      text: eventsStore.currentEvent.latitude.toString()),
+                  decoration: const InputDecoration(
+                    labelText: 'Latitude',
+                    border: OutlineInputBorder(),
+                  onChanged: (value) {
+                    eventsStore.currentEvent.latitude = value;
+                  }
+              ),
+              TextFormField(
+                  readOnly: false,
+                  enabled: !syncGNSSData,
+                  controller: TextEditingController(
+                      text: eventsStore.currentEvent.longitude.toString()),
+                  decoration: const InputDecoration(
+                    labelText: 'Longitude',
+                    border: OutlineInputBorder(),
-                  ElevatedButton(
-                    onPressed: () {
-                      var date =  DateTime.now().toUtc();
-                      eventsStore.currentEvent.startDate = '$date';
-                      eventsStore.currentEvent.endDate = '$date';
-                      debugPrint('Date set to : ' + eventsStore.currentEvent.endDate.toString());
-                      setState(() {
-                      });
-                    },
-                    child: Text('Now'),
+                  onChanged: (value) {
+                    eventsStore.currentEvent.longitude = value;
+                  }
+              ),
+              TextFormField(
+                  readOnly: false,
+                  enabled: !syncGNSSData,
+                  controller: TextEditingController(
+                      text: eventsStore.currentEvent.elevation.toString()),
+                  decoration: const InputDecoration(
+                    labelText: 'Elevation',
+                    border: OutlineInputBorder(),
-                ]
-            ),
-            TextFormField(
-                readOnly: false,
-                enabled: !syncGNSSData,
-                controller: TextEditingController(text: eventsStore.currentEvent.latitude.toString()),
-                decoration: const InputDecoration(
-                  labelText: 'Latitude',
-                  border: OutlineInputBorder(),
-                ),
-                onChanged: (value) {
-                  eventsStore.currentEvent.latitude = value;
-                }
-            ),
-            TextFormField(
-                readOnly: false,
-                enabled: !syncGNSSData,
-                controller: TextEditingController(text: eventsStore.currentEvent.longitude.toString()),
-                decoration: const InputDecoration(
-                  labelText: 'Longitude',
-                  border: OutlineInputBorder(),
+                  onChanged: (value) {
+                    eventsStore.currentEvent.elevation = value;
+                  }
+              ),
+            ]),
+        bottomNavigationBar: Row(
+          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end,
+          children: [
+            Text(gnssStatusText),
+            const SizedBox(width: 10),
+            Switch(
+              value: syncGNSSData,
+              onChanged: (value) {
+                syncGNSSData = value;
+                debugPrint('Switched to:' + syncGNSSData.toString());
-                ),
-                onChanged: (value) {
-                  eventsStore.currentEvent.longitude = value;
-                }
+                setState(() {
+                  //refresh the UI
+                });
+              },
-            TextFormField(
-                readOnly: false,
-                enabled: !syncGNSSData,
-                controller: TextEditingController(text: eventsStore.currentEvent.elevation.toString()),
-                decoration: const InputDecoration(
-                  labelText: 'Elevation',
-                  border: OutlineInputBorder(),
-                ),
-                onChanged: (value) {
-                  eventsStore.currentEvent.elevation = value;
-                }
+            const SizedBox(width: 50),
+            FloatingActionButton(
+              heroTag: null,
+              onPressed: () {
+                _storeCurrentEvent();
+                HapticFeedback.vibrate();
+              },
+              tooltip: 'Add Event',
+              child: const Icon(Icons.check),
-          ]),
-      bottomNavigationBar: Row(
-        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end,
-        children: [
-          Text(gnssStatusText),
-          const SizedBox(width: 10),
-          Switch(
-            value: syncGNSSData,
-            onChanged: (value) {
-              syncGNSSData = value;
-              debugPrint('Switched to:' + syncGNSSData.toString());
-              setState(() {
-                //refresh the UI
-              });
-            },
-          ),
-          const SizedBox(width: 50),
-          FloatingActionButton(
-            heroTag: null,
-            onPressed: () {
-              _storeCurrentEvent();
-              HapticFeedback.vibrate();
-            },
-            tooltip: 'Add Event',
-            child: const Icon(Icons.check),
-          ),
-          const SizedBox(width: 20),
-        ],
-      ),
-    );
+            const SizedBox(width: 20),
+          ],
+        ),
+      );
+    }else {
+      return Scaffold(
+        appBar: AppBar(title: const Text("Add Event")),
+        body: Column(
+          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
+          crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end,
+          children: const <Widget>[
+            Text(
+                '  Visit Configuration first.',
+                style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20)
+            ),
+          ],
+        ),
+      );
+    }
diff --git a/lib/configuration.dart b/lib/configuration.dart
index 52ca2f6efda9fd4c8ae8596c7407a5dc94647e4a..e5903fdf6503ae4642f8041c5ed2566fb3ec84f2 100644
--- a/lib/configuration.dart
+++ b/lib/configuration.dart
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Future<List<Device>> updateDevices(int collectionId) async {
   String url = 'https://sandbox.sensor.awi.de/rest/sensors/collections/getItemsOfCollection/' + collectionId.toString();
   // Get Access to local device and current event store.
-  EventStoreInstance eventsStore = EventStoreInstance();
+  EventStoreInstance events = EventStoreInstance();
   ConfigurationStoreInstance configuration = ConfigurationStoreInstance();
   List<Device> collectionDevices = [];
@@ -72,8 +72,17 @@ Future<List<Device>> updateDevices(int collectionId) async {
     /*Update to local device store*/
     configuration.devices = collectionDevices;
     //Update id and urn for the add event widget
-    eventsStore.currentEvent.id = collectionDevices[0].id;
-    eventsStore.currentEvent.urn = collectionDevices[0].urn;
+    events.currentEvent.id = collectionDevices[0].id;
+    events.currentEvent.urn = collectionDevices[0].urn;
+    events.currentEvent.description = '';
+    events.currentEvent.label = '';
+    events.currentEvent.type = configuration.eventTypes[0].name;
+    var date = DateTime.now().toUtc();
+    events.currentEvent.startDate = '$date';
+    events.currentEvent.endDate = '$date';
+    configuration.initialized = true;
     return collectionDevices;
   } else {
     throw Exception('Failed to load Collection');
@@ -155,6 +164,7 @@ class _MyHomePageState extends State<Configuration> {
   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
     final ConfigurationStoreInstance configuration = ConfigurationStoreInstance();
+    final EventStoreInstance events = EventStoreInstance();
     return Scaffold(
       appBar: AppBar(
@@ -235,17 +245,27 @@ class _MyHomePageState extends State<Configuration> {
       bottomNavigationBar: Row(
-        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end,
+        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
         children: [
+          FloatingActionButton.extended(
+            heroTag: null,
+            tooltip: 'Reset all data',
+            icon: const Icon(Icons.cancel),
+            label: const Text('Reset all'),
+            onPressed: () {
+              events.reset();
+              configuration.reset();
+            },
+          ),
             heroTag: null,
             tooltip: 'Select Collection and download corresponding devices',
             icon: const Icon(Icons.save),
             label: const Text('Store'),
             onPressed: () {
-              updateDevices(configuration.currentCollection.id);
+              updateDevices(configuration.currentCollection.id);
diff --git a/lib/datamodel.dart b/lib/datamodel.dart
index e21f5ee6d26f768844e77b0e29e94a735c84e5db..a4f671d94f6d0ccf2c9a800ea18d6102ac969e80 100644
--- a/lib/datamodel.dart
+++ b/lib/datamodel.dart
@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ abstract class ConfigurationStoreBase {
   List<Device> devices = [];
   List<EventType> eventTypes = [];
   SensorLogin loginInformation = SensorLogin('', '', '');
+  bool initialized = false;
   Collection getCollectionFromName(String name) {
     for (var collection in collections) {
@@ -179,7 +180,8 @@ abstract class ConfigurationStoreBase {
     devices = [];
     eventTypes = [];
     currentCollection = Collection(id: -1, description: '', collectionName: '');
-    loginInformation = SensorLogin('', '', '');
+    loginInformation = SensorLogin('admin', 'adminadmin', '');
+    initialized = false;
diff --git a/lib/main.dart b/lib/main.dart
index 456ee90ad7e62163b23c2b41a5b28eea1809963e..08d841bb4346d6adf738e46810de6a06f5765d54 100644
--- a/lib/main.dart
+++ b/lib/main.dart
@@ -23,19 +23,19 @@ void main() {
   // Add some dummy devices
   // TODO: load from shared preferences.
   // TODO: this shall be requested from sensor.awi.de after selecting a collection in configuration.
-  configuration.devices.add(Device.fromJson({'id': 8311, 'urn':'station:neumayer_iii:awi_snow_sampler_1'}));
-  configuration.devices.add(Device.fromJson({'id': 4086, 'urn':'acoustic_backscatter_sensor:test'}));
-  configuration.devices.add(Device.fromJson({'id': 1393, 'urn':'vessel:polarstern:hydrosweep_ds3'}));
+  //configuration.devices.add(Device.fromJson({'id': 8311, 'urn':'station:neumayer_iii:awi_snow_sampler_1'}));
+  //configuration.devices.add(Device.fromJson({'id': 4086, 'urn':'acoustic_backscatter_sensor:test'}));
+  //configuration.devices.add(Device.fromJson({'id': 1393, 'urn':'vessel:polarstern:hydrosweep_ds3'}));
   // Fill the textboxes in addevent with some usefull data.
   // TODO: store this in shared preferences so that last entered data reappears when restarting the app.
-  events.currentEvent.urn = 'acoustic_backscatter_sensor:test';
-  events.currentEvent.id = 4086;
-  events.currentEvent.description = 'blabla';
-  events.currentEvent.label = 'PS129_ABC';
-  events.currentEvent.type = 'Deployment';
-  events.currentEvent.startDate = '2022-03-09 15:06:00.000Z';
-  events.currentEvent.endDate = '2022-03-09 15:08:00.000Z';
+  //events.currentEvent.urn = 'vessel:polarstern:hydrosweep_ds3';
+  //events.currentEvent.id = -1;
+  //events.currentEvent.description = '';
+  //events.currentEvent.label = '';
+  //events.currentEvent.type = 'Configuration';
+  //events.currentEvent.startDate = '2022-03-09 15:06:00.000Z';
+  //events.currentEvent.endDate = '2022-03-09 15:08:00.000Z';
   //Add some dummy events to event store. Just development purpose. TODO: Remove after development.
@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ void main() {
   //Add some dummy eventtypes.
   // TODO: loard from shared preferences.
   // TODO: request from https://sensor.awi.de/rest/sensors/events/getAllEventTypes in configuration widget.
-  configuration.eventTypes.add(EventType.fromJson({'id': 317, 'name':'Configuration'}));
-  configuration.eventTypes.add(EventType.fromJson({'id': 216, 'name':'Decommissioned'}));
-  configuration.eventTypes.add(EventType.fromJson({'id': 187, 'name':'Deployment'}));
-  configuration.eventTypes.add(EventType.fromJson({'id': 50, 'name':'Information'}));
-  configuration.eventTypes.add(EventType.fromJson({'id': 16, 'name':'Maintenance'}));
+  //configuration.eventTypes.add(EventType.fromJson({'id': 317, 'generalName':'Configuration'}));
+  //configuration.eventTypes.add(EventType.fromJson({'id': 216, 'generalName':'Decommissioned'}));
+  //configuration.eventTypes.add(EventType.fromJson({'id': 187, 'generalName':'Deployment'}));
+  //configuration.eventTypes.add(EventType.fromJson({'id': 50, 'generalName':'Information'}));
+  //configuration.eventTypes.add(EventType.fromJson({'id': 16, 'generalName':'Maintenance'}));
     title: 'Mobile Event Log',