... | ... | @@ -69,6 +69,23 @@ cp fesom.clock <resultpath>/. |
#SBTACH --tasks-per-node=??
batch job_jureca
# Running the model
mkdir -p work
cd work
cp -r /p/project/training2310/fesom2-recom/shinck/work/job2* .
cp -r /p/project/training2310/fesom2-recom/shinck/work/config .
The run script need to be adapted accordingly. The job name should match the naming of the build!
This creates a subfolder `nvhpc...$SLURM_JOB_ID` and copies all the needed config files (from the folder `config`). Note, when using the fesom2 code without recom, you need to overwrite the respective namelist files in the runscript:
mv namelist.tra.no-recom namelist.tra
mv namelist.io.no-recom namelist.io
mv namelist.forcing.no-recom namelist.forcing
# tests
|machine|compiler|OpenAcc|recom|scorep|mesh|error |path |
... | ... | |