Maximilian Betz authoredMaximilian Betz authored
README.md 6.04 KiB
A cross plattform project for android and ios to log events offline everywhere and sync them to sensor. Developed with flutter. A short how to use can be found below documentation/README.md
- Config page: Select the collection and get corresponding devices, all event types. Store all this to a local persistent configuraion.
- Add Event Page: Allow selection of a device and adding a new event with all details. Add button adds the event to the staged events. Fields are not cleared but kept as they are.
- Staged Event: Show all entered and not yet uploaded events. Allow modification of all fields here. Alternatively show all events including uploaded once.
Local Data Concept
- The configuration widget is used to get the online available information for available devices and event creation.
- This includes: All collections, All devices part of a selected collection, Event operation types
- This "base data" is required to provide the dropdown menu options on the addevent page.
- This "base data" is stored persistently, so that it is also available offline!
Add Event Page
- Usw Switch for automatic GNSS and Time update.
- Show "now" time button only if GNSS is disabled. This button shall fill the timestamp with the current utc time.
- Add stores the event to a local sql database
- A slide switch activates GNSS locationing. A field shall signal the GNSS status "no fix" or "x m presision". The fields lat, long, elevation and timestamp are updated automatically if GNSS is enabled.
- Input validation is done according sensor.awi.de Free Text: "a-z , A-Z , _ , 0-9 , ,(Comma) , ( , ) , + , - , . , :" -90 => Latitude <= +90 -180 => Longitude <= +180 Elevation: any numer
View & Sync Page
- Events added on the addevent page are stored persistently (sql database). They can be displayed in the view events widget. Each event has a flag which shows if the event is already exported to sensor. A slide switch allowes to show all events?
Configuration Page
- Switch to select if Mission or Collection based.
- Dropdown "Collection" to select a collection / mission
- Button "get Collection devices from Sensor"
- Button "store Collection devices locally"
- Select a Mission from the new Sensor-Mission-Management to get a set of devices.
- Username und passwort. "Test login on store even if not required here"
- Functionality to export events locally for backup in the field!
- Allow adding an event to more than one device (urn)! "make UrnId => UrnIds" sync a event to every listed urn. ? Really needed?
- Compile an Apple iOS version.
- On older Android 6 Devices the following error is shown" OS Error CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: certificate has expired". Fix or require at least Android x?
- Add Git Tags as version information and show in app.
- Implement switch to select sandbox or productive version?
UI Feedback
- Desired Colors
DAM Arctic: #00afb9 DAM Ocean: #0f1e50
Feedbackpopups: Background: #CEEDEB Text: #57827E
- Add Icon to Add, View and Configuration button. Then use uppercase Text.
- Create Logo for App and replace Flutter default Image
- Add Impressum: CC-BY licence
- Add Legal Notice as on sensor.awi.de
- animated Feedbackpopup on first line : "speech bubble" (Download successfull) Show pop up for 2s. "Detail information as is below the collection dropdown menu.
- Collection List Drop Down. Item separation "grey line" + Abbort button. "Highlight "chosen collection" italic or pinned on top. Sort alphabetic.
- Add a selection mode functionality. 1. Own devices (based on e-mail adress as editor on devices), 2. Collections, 3. Mission management based
- https://sandbox.sensor.awi.de/rest/sensors/device/getItemsOfContact/mbetz%40awi.de
- Split in two widgets? 1st to login und 2nd to configure. Allow configuration only with successfull login?
Add Event
- Show * next to lable for required fields.
- Event Type /URN Item separation and hightlighting chosen type as in configuration.
- Is a field for end time required here?
- Label with counting up number?
- Block creation of a new event for e.g. 2 seconds after creation. This shall prevent unintended creation of multiple events.
- Deactivate Timestamp field and Now button if GNSS sync active.
- Choose Urns in configuration: Label on Add Event is beeing cleared but GNSS data is not Harmonize.
- GNSS switch next to lat long elevation field. Similar as the NOW field. (Feedback from Dana)
- Sort URN list alphabetic!
View & Events
- "All Events" "Pending Events" on first line above table. Alligned right. 50pix hight distance to table start.
- Multiple lines for one event to reduce width. Alternative: Do not show all event details in table but show them in a separate widget on selection. This could also be the view to edit event details.
- Edit mode (only pending events). Select an event and open event in edit mode with all details (including start and finish time), allow to remove event.
- Feedback "Success" to line above table and below top bar.
- Show sync widget (similar to the information widget), show sync status progress, allow canceling of sync process. Currently an error can be caused if "Sync" is pressed multiple times in the View & Sync Widget as multiple async functions are syncing events in parallel. Simple solution would be to deactivate the sync button if a sync process is active.
- Clone event data from here to Add Event widget.
- Allow upload of pictures check interface how to upload with sensor.
- How to log events for a device which does not exist yet? Dummy device in app and assign befor upload?
- Collection im Feld auswähle, Collection - Arbeitsgruppenzugehörigkeit.
- URN Dropdown filter by character. ~500 Geräte Verankerungsgeräte. Mission Sub Subcollecction/ Submission z.B. Verankerung oder Eisarbeiten oder Bojen?
- unique labels are desired by PANGAEA. Is adding the MissionName as a prefix to label usfull?
- Document taken sample via IGSN number QR Code? Scan a QR code.