- animated Feedbackpopup on first line : "speech bubble" (Download successfull) Show pop up for 2s. "Detail information as is below the collection dropdown menu.
- animated Feedbackpopup on first line : "speech bubble" (Download successfull) Show pop up for 2s. "Detail information as is below the collection dropdown menu.
- Collection List Drop Down. Item separation "grey line" + Abbort button. "Highlight "chosen collection" italic or pinned on top. Sort alphabetic.
- Collection List Drop Down. Item separation "grey line" + Abbort button. "Highlight "chosen collection" italic or pinned on top. Sort alphabetic.
- Add a selection mode functionality. 1. Own devices (based on e-mail adress as editor on devices), 2. Collections, 3. Mission management based
## Add Event
## Add Event
- Show \* next to lable for required fields.
- Show \* next to lable for required fields.
@@ -69,13 +70,16 @@ Text: #57827E
@@ -69,13 +70,16 @@ Text: #57827E
- Is a field for end time required here?
- Is a field for end time required here?
- Label with counting up number?
- Label with counting up number?
- Block creation of a new event for e.g. 2 seconds after creation. This shall prevent unintended creation of multiple events.
- Block creation of a new event for e.g. 2 seconds after creation. This shall prevent unintended creation of multiple events.
- Deactivate Timestamp field and Now button if GNSS sync active.
- Choose Urns in configuration: Label on Add Event is beeing cleared but GNSS data is not Harmonize.
## View & Events
## View & Events
- "All Events" "Pending Events" on first line above table. Alligned right. 50pix hight distance to table start.
- "All Events" "Pending Events" on first line above table. Alligned right. 50pix hight distance to table start.
- Multiple lines for one event to reduce width. Alternative: Do not show all event details in table but show them in a separate widget on selection. This could also be the view to edit event details.
- Multiple lines for one event to reduce width. Alternative: Do not show all event details in table but show them in a separate widget on selection. This could also be the view to edit event details.
- Edit mode (only pending events). Select an event and open event in edit mode with all details (including start and finish time), allow to remove event.
- Edit mode (only pending events). Select an event and open event in edit mode with all details (including start and finish time), allow to remove event.
- Feedback "Success" to line above table and below top bar.
- Feedback "Success" to line above table and below top bar.
- Show sync widget, show sync status, allow canceling of sync process
- Show sync widget, show sync status, allow canceling of sync process. E.g. an error can be caused if "Sync" is pressed multiple times in the View & Sync Widget as multiple async functions are syncing events in parallel. Simple solution would be to deactivate the sync button if a sync process is active.