@@ -39,3 +39,37 @@ A cross plattform project for android and ios to log events offline everywhere a
## TODOs
- Allow adding an event to more than one device (urn)! "make UrnId => UrnIds" sync a event to every listed urn.
- Compile an Apple iOS version.
## UI Feedback
- Colors
DAM Arctic: #00afb9
DAM Ocean: #0f1e50
Background: #CEEDEB
Text: #57827E
- Add Impressum: CC-BY licence: AWIs address? Check with Christoph Wagner.
# Configuration
- animated Feedbackpopup on first line : "speech bubble" (Download successfull) Show pop up for 2s. "Detail information as is below the collection dropdown menu.
- Collection List Drop Down. Item separation "grey line" + Abbort button. "Highlight "chosen collection" italic or pinned on top. Sort alphabetic.
# Add Event
- Show \* next to lable for required fields.
- NOW button Equal distance to edge and textfield. Same hight as textfield.
- GNSS Switch above 'Label' field or in TopMenuBar?
- Precision, No-Fix, GNSS-deactivated : alligned left
- Event Type /URN Item separation and hightlighting chosen type as in configuration.
# View & Events
- "All Events" "Pending Events" on first line above table. Alligned right. 50pix hight distance to table start.
- Multiple lines for one event to reduce width. Alternative: Do not show all event details in table but show them in a separate widget on selection. This could also be the view to edit event details.
- Edit mode. Select an event and open event in edit mode with all event details
- Feedback "Success" to to line above table and below top bar.
# Overview
- Add Icon to Add, View and Configuration button. Then use uppercase Text.