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Created with Raphaël 2.2.027Feb11Dec1094Nov3Edit esm_tools_plugin.pymastermasterEdit esm_tools_plugin.pyBump version: 0.0.3 → 0.1.0Bump version: 0.0.2 → 0.0.3bumpversion fixupplugin worksBump version: 0.0.1 → 0.0.2fixup version numbersci: reorganizes ci in a way that makes sense to meauto releaseci(github-ci): moves to github ciUpdate python-package.ymlCreate python-publish.ymlCreate python-package.ymlfix: fixes unit conversion (it was the wrong way around)test: Fixup tests to work with new basic commandci(travis): CDO package name incorrectci(travis): adds cdo to ci deps--wip-- most of plugin, still needs to be added to forcing files list in FESOM configfix(gfw_creator): applies unit conversions to file, assumes user gives Svworks except for unit conversiondrops old python supporttravis auto pypiInitial commit