# Parallel Coupling Infrastructure for AWI-ESM 2.2
This project contains source code and infrastructure settings to enable a
coupled run consisting of multiple models.
## Getting a copy
The project can be downloaded via git. Several preliminary steps may be needed.
1. On ollie, you need:
module load git
On mistral, the git version is already new enough.
2. Since there are several files included which use the [git "large file storage"](https://git-lfs.github.com)(`git lfs`), you might need to initialize that first. Run the following to do that:
git lfs install
3. It is probably a good idea to store your password, as otherwise you will need to enter it over and over until everything finishes downloading. You have two options:
**A**. Use a [`.netrc` file](https://www.gnu.org/software/inetutils/manual/html_node/The-_002enetrc-file.html). In your home directory, create a file with permissions 600:
# Creates an empty file if not already there:
touch ${HOME}/.netrc
# Gives only you read/write permission, everyone else has nothing
chmod 600 ${HOME}/.netrc
In this file, you can place your login credentials for *both* gitlab.awi.de and gitlab.dkrz.de:
machine gitlab.awi.de login pgierz password <PUT YOUR PASSWORD>
machine gitlab.dkrz.de login a270077 password <PUT YOUR PASSWORD>
The example above has Paul's account details, but of course you should use your own.
**B.** Cache [your `git` credentials](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-credential-cache). In this example, we save the password for 1 hour for each account you use:
4. Now you can download everything. We need to extend the standard clone command to ensure you download actual binary files rather than just checksums
and pointers. Furthermore, some parts are within git submodules, particularly the climate model code and boundary conditions, we need to add options to get that as well:
If you run into any problems, there are likely permissions errors. Please let
Paul know and he will help to fix it.
5. Install a virtual environment
This project works best if you install a virtual environment. To do that, run the following in your shell to set up Python:
python -m venv .venv
Next you also need to set up [direnv](https://direnv.net). That will allow for the automatic activation of the virtual environment whenever you change into the directory. A copy of direnv is available on mistral on Paul's account:
You may also need to adapt your shell login scripts. Please see the readme in the link above for that.
6. [Install the esm-tools](https://esm-tools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html#installing). This will be used to compile your model and control your runs. A copy is given to you in the `./software` folder.
For each part in `./software`, go to the folder and run `pip install .` within your virtual environment. That will ensure that you use the same versions for your jobs.
7. Compile your model. To do that, go into the `./model_codes/` folder and run `esm_master comp-awiesm-2.2`
cd ./model_codes
esm_master comp-awiesm-2.2
## Updating
You can update the project by running the following in the top level:
git pull
This should pull both the main files, as well as any boundary conditions that