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SingleSource.m 2.37 KiB
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function [positions, clockError] = SingleSource(pData, pSoundsourcePositions, pCombinationDetails, pStartEndPosition)
%SINGLESOURCE Implements the single source tracking algorithm
%   Parameters:
%       pData (struct):
%           Data structured by soundsource. The toa is already corrected
%           (e.g. doppler correction etc.)
%       pSoundsourcePositions (struct):
%           The soundsource positions [deg].
%       pCombinationDetails (table):
%           Contains all information of the current soundsource
%           combination.
%       pStartEndPosition (double, logical):
%           Set to false if it has not been passed by artoa. Contains the
%           desired start and end position as a matrix of row vectors.
%   Returns:
%       positions (double):
%           The calculated list of segment positions as a X x 2 column vector.
%       clockError (double):
%           The estimated clock error.

%% Get reference position and all soundsource names that are involved
referencePosition = cellfun(@str2double, strsplit(pCombinationDetails.referencePosition{1}));
soundsourceNames = strsplit(pCombinationDetails.soundsources{1});

%% Check if only one sound source is selected
if length(soundsourceNames) ~= 1 || isempty(soundsourceNames)
    error('Only one or at least one soundsource requires to be specified for SingleSource tracking!');

%% Get required data for single source tracking
pData.(soundsourceNames{1}).horizontalVelocity = ...
    [ ...
        NaN; ...
        calculateHorizontalVelocity( ...
            [pData.(soundsourceNames{1}).date{:}]', ...
            [pData.(soundsourceNames{1}).distance{:}]' ...
        ) ...

averageHorizontalVelocity = mean( ...
    pData.(soundsourceNames{1}).horizontalVelocity( ...
        ~isnan(pData.(soundsourceNames{1}).horizontalVelocity) ...
        ) ...

%% Return NaN because this is a sample
positions = NaN(size(pData.(soundsourceNames{1}).date, 1), 2);
clockError = [];

error('Tracking method implementation not finished yet!');

%% Helper functions

    function [hvel] = calculateHorizontalVelocity(dates, distances)
        % calculate the average speed in m/s
        % distances are stored in km
        % dates as rafos dates
        diffDistances = diff(distances) * 1000; % now in [m]
        diffDates = diff(dates) * 24 * 3600; % now in [s]
        hvel = abs(diffDistances ./ diffDates);
