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Commit 815ff64b authored by oboebel's avatar oboebel
Browse files

New tracking method Singel Source plus Topography tracking.

parent eec86061
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% ARTOA ini file for dimes first three floats
%-soundsourcefile C:\MyData\RAFOS\HAFOS.soso
-soundsourcefile C:\MyData\RAFOS\TESTwithOFFSETS.soso
-floatfile ..\HAFOS.flo % not used in artoa4 yet
-bathyfile ..\HAFOS.prj % not used in artoa4 yet
-etopo C:\MyData\TOPO\etopo1_ice_c.flt
-soundsourcefile C:\MyData\RAFOS\HAFOS.soso
%-soundsourcefile C:\MyData\RAFOS\TESTwithOFFSETS.soso
-floatfile ..\HAFOS.flo % not used in artoa4 yet
-bathyfile ..\HAFOS.prj % not used in artoa4 yet
-etopo C:\MyData\TOPO\etopo1_ice_c.flt
-floatProfiles \\\projects\argoAWI\data\apex_analysis\mat\nemo_data.mat
-trackingContours C:\MyData\ARTOA\contours_Grid5000_Step50.mat
-interim C:\MyData\RAFOS\
-rfb C:\MyData\RAFOS\
-soundsource C:\MyData\RAFOS\
-interim C:\MyData\RAFOS\
-rfb C:\MyData\RAFOS\
-soundsource C:\MyData\RAFOS\
-ancillary C:\MyData\ARTOA\
% the following parameters are not yet used in artoa4
-argos ..
-rft ..
......@@ -23,6 +27,7 @@
-ric C:\MyData\RAFOS\
-interim *.itm
-rfb *.rfb
function [positions, clockError] = SiSoTopo(pData, pSoundsourcePositions, pCombinationDetails, pStartEndPosition)
function [positions, clockError] = SiSoTopo_v2(pData, pSoundsourcePositions, pCombinationDetails, pStartEndPosition)
%MYTRACKINGMETHOD A sample function to write your own tracking algorithms
% Parameters:
% Parameters:plo
% pData (struct):
% Data structured by soundsource. The toa is already corrected
% (e.g. doppler correction etc.)
......@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ function [positions, clockError] = SiSoTopo(pData, pSoundsourcePositions, pCombi
% clockError (double):
% The estimated clock error.
global artoaConfig;
global artoaDataInput;
%% Get reference position and all soundsource names that are involved
referencePosition = cellfun(@str2double, strsplit(pCombinationDetails.referencePosition{1}));
soundsourceNames = strsplit(pCombinationDetails.soundsources{1});
......@@ -31,40 +33,215 @@ pCombinationDetails
%% Return NaN because this is a sample
positions = NaN(size(pData.(soundsourceNames{1}).date, 1), 2);
clockError = [];
positions = NaN(size(pData.(soundsourceNames{1}).date, 1), 2);
clockError = NaN(size(pData.(soundsourceNames{1}).date, 1),1);
%% Additional data needed
%%% addpath('C:\Users\oboebel\Documents\MATLAB\FloatTools\lib\utils\seawater_library') % for pressure to depth conversion
%%% wurde nach %%%%% C:\Users\oboebel\Documents\MATLAB\artoa4\lib\vendor\seawater_library verschoben
% the topography file with contour lines
% % %
% load('C:\Users\oboebel\Documents\MATLAB\artoa4development\tools\contours_Grid5000_Step50.mat')
% replaced by next line
% get the corresponding profile depth. Profile depths are spaced by 10
% days. To match daily rafos fixes, we use linear interpolation in-between
% to obtain daily pressure readings. NOte: the is intended for un-grounded
% floats. Grounded floats will actually have daily bottom pressure
% readings. This might be queried by comparing the depth readings in the
% RAFOS data block with the BOTTOM block pressure readings.
% global artoaDataInput
% profileInfo = artoaDataInput.rfb.PROFILE_DEPTH
% profilePressure = profileInfo(:,8)
% profileID = profileInfo(:,1)
% now the pressure date and the distance date need to be matched.
%--> interpolate profile pressures based on distance dates
% this needs to be recoded in line with artoa4 structure, rfb structure,
% and apex to profile data, currently hard coded to 8882
% % % load('\\\projects\argoAWI\data\apex_analysis\mat\nemo_data.mat')
floatProfilesAll = load(artoaConfig.files.floatProfiles);
% added link from local nemo_data.mat to \\\projects\argoAWI\data\apex_analysis\mat\nemo_data.mat'
[floatProfileDataSingle, index2Float] = nemo.float.find(floatProfilesAll.nemo_data,artoaDataInput.rfb.FLOAT.floatname);
profileNumbers = 1:size(floatProfileDataSingle,2)
launchposition = artoaDataInput.rfb.FLOAT.launchpos;
% % % %%% 8882
% % % index2Float = 4;
% % % profileNumbers = 1:77;
% % % launchposition = [-74.5704, -29.1891]; % plot the launch position % hardcoded, to be adjusted
% % % %%% 8885
% % % index2Float = 6;
% % % profileNumbers = 1:36;
% % % launchposition = [-74.5704, -29.1891]; % dummy, achtung, falsche werte
% % % %%% 9223
% % % index2Float = 22;
% % % profileNumbers = 1:36;
% % % launchposition = [-70, -8.]; % plot the launch position % hardcoded, to be adjusted
cutOff = 1995; % dbar, if maxPressure less, float is considered grounded (black points), otherwise plot red points
%%% Future: add pop-up dialog to modify parameters if wanted.
% all data is loaded, here we go:
% control plots %%
lati = [-78 -60]
loni = [-70 0]
h = axesm('MapProjection','stereo','MapLatLimit',lati,'MapLonLimit',loni,'Frame','on','Grid','on')
MapHandle = worldmap(lati,loni);
% plot the map
helper = fliplr(cArray{3}');
latMap = helper(:,1);
lonMap = helper(:,2);
plotm(latMap,lonMap) % index 3 = 2000m , then upwards in 50m increments
hold on
% program uses only first selected sound source
centerSoSo = pSoundsourcePositions.W18a
distance = [pData.W18a.distance{:}]';
distance = distance/60/1.852 %--> distence in arch length
for i = 1:length(distance)
[lat,lon] = scircle1(centerSoSo(1),centerSoSo(2),distance(i))
[xi,yi] = polyxpoly(latMap,lonMap,lat,lon); % hier muss die zum Druck passende latMap lonMap verwendung finden.
lati = [-75 -72]; % Markus Floats --> move to popup
loni = [-42 -20];
lati = [-75 -60]; % Neumayer Floats
loni = [-35 -5];
h = axesm('MapProjection','stereo','MapLatLimit',lati,'MapLonLimit',loni,'Frame','on','Grid','on');
MapHandle = worldmap(lati,loni); hold on;
% % prepare the map
% helper = fliplr(cArray{3}');
% latMap = helper(:,1);
% lonMap = helper(:,2);
% hold on
sourceName = pCombinationDetails.soundsources;
sourceName = sourceName{1}
[token,remain] = strtok(sourceName,' ');
sourceName = token;
plotm(launchposition(1),launchposition(2),'ko') % plot the launch position % hardcoded, to be adjusted
eval(['centerSoSo = pSoundsourcePositions.',sourceName])
eval(['distanceVar = [pData.',sourceName,'.distance{:}]']); % these are the distances from the TOA, calculated on the fly by artoa4
distanceVar = distanceVar';
distanceVar = distanceVar/60/1.852; %--> distence in arch length
eval(['pongDate = [pData.',sourceName,'.date{:}]']);
pongDate = fliplr(rd2dmy(pongDate'));
pongDate = datetime((pongDate)); % this is the array of pong dates
startDate = pongDate(1);
for i = 1:length(profileNumbers)
% % % profileData = nemo_data{index2Float}{i}.PROFILE_DATA;
profileData = floatProfileDataSingle{i}.PROFILE_DATA;
pressureMax(i,1) = profileData(1,7);
depthMax(i,1) = sw_dpth(pressureMax(i,1),centerSoSo(1));
% temperatureMax(i,1) = profileData(1,5);
profileTech = floatProfileDataSingle{i}.PROFILE_TECHNICAL_DATA;
pressureMaxTime(i,1) = datetime(profileTech.xmit_ascent_start_time); % this is when the pofile started
profileNumber(i,1) = profileTech.xmit_profile_number;
if ~pCombinationDetails.backwardTracking;
currentRefPosition = pCombinationDetails.referencePosition;
elseif pCombinationDetails.backwardTracking
currentRefPosition = pCombinationDetails.referencePositionEnd;
currentRefPosition = cell2mat(currentRefPosition);
[token,remain] = strtok(currentRefPosition,' ');
currentRefPosition = [str2num(token), str2num(remain)]
hp_select = plotm(currentRefPosition(1),currentRefPosition(2),'k*');
textm(currentRefPosition(1),currentRefPosition(2),' refPos');
x = datenum(pressureMaxTime) ; % the profile timestamps
v = depthMax; % the profile depths at the profile timestamps
xq = datenum(pongDate); % the RAFOS timestamps
vq = interp1(x,v,xq); % the interpolated profile depths at the RAFOS timestamps
pongDepth = vq;
%figure(3) % pongDepth only covers the period of this sound source
x = datenum(pressureMaxTime) ; % the profile timestamps
v = pressureMax; % the profile depths at the profile timestamps
xq = datenum(pongDate); % the RAFOS timestamps
vq = interp1(x,v,xq); % the interpolated profile depths at the RAFOS timestamps
% plot(x,v,'o'); hold on
% plot(xq,vq,'-')
% ylabel('pressure [dbar]')
% plot( get(gca,'Xlim')', [cutOff cutOff]')
for i = 1:length(distanceVar) % loop over all distances / received pongs
[lat,lon] = scircle1(centerSoSo(1),centerSoSo(2),distanceVar(i));
% plotm(lat,lon,'r');
% find the contour fitting to this depth - latMap, lon Map
currentDepth = pongDepth(i);
currentDate = pongDate(i);
if ~isnan(currentDepth)
% currentDepth = sw_dpth(currentDepth,centerSoSo(1));
helper = abs(abs(contourLevels)-currentDepth);
index2contour = find( min(abs(helper)) == helper) ; % this is the contour closes to the current position
helper = fliplr(cArray{index2contour}');
latMap = helper(:,1);
lonMap = helper(:,2);
index = (latMap > -68) | (latMap < -74.6) | (lonMap < -60);
latMap(index) = NaN;
lonMap(index) = NaN;
plotm(latMap(2:end),lonMap(2:end),'k:','MarkerSize',1) % plot the contour line
[xi,yi] = polyxpoly(latMap,lonMap,lat,lon);
% P1 = polyshape(latMap,lonMap)
% P2 = polyshape(lat,lon)
% C = intersect(P1,P2)
% xi = C(1)
% yi = C(2)
if ~isempty(xi) % continue/plot only if intersection exists
hp_temp = plotm(xi,yi,'.','MarkerSize',10,'Color',[.6 .6 .6]); % all potential positions in grey
[ARCLEN, AZ] = distance(currentRefPosition(1),currentRefPosition(2),xi,yi); % chose nearest Neighbor
indexNearby = find(ARCLEN == min(ARCLEN)) ;
xi = xi(indexNearby);
yi = yi(indexNearby);
% currentRefPosition = [xi,yi];
hp_select = plotm(xi,yi,'.','MarkerSize',10,'Color',[.6 .6 .6]); % overplot the closest position
[i length(distanceVar) currentDepth xi yi];
if currentDepth > sw_dpth(cutOff,centerSoSo(1)) % float touches bottom; cutoff[dbar]=1995, cutoff[m]=1965
set(hp_select,'color','r'); % float did touch bottom.
if ~pCombinationDetails.backwardTracking; % ergo forward tracking
% if currentDate < (startDate+360) % parking depth nominally 2000m
if currentDate < (startDate) % parking depth nominally 2000m
else % parking depth nominally 800m
elseif pCombinationDetails.backwardTracking; % ergo backward tracking
if currentDate >= (startDate) %
else % parking depth nominally 800m % der Teil hier ist noch unlogisch und muss überarbeitet werden
positions(i,:) = [xi, yi]; % see line 34
clockError(i,:) = 0;
% check if profile label shall be added
helper = find(abs(datenum(currentDate)-x) <= 2 ); %0.75 current Pong date is within a day of profile date
if ~isempty(helper)
if 1 == 2
......@@ -72,3 +249,10 @@ end
0% Loading or .
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