# ARTOA4 Tracking Plugin System
One major improvement to the new artoa version is the possibility to create your own tracking plugins. All tracking plugins have to be located in the plugins/tracking folder and the signature that is described below, to be recognized and fully working as a tracking plugin.
## File naming
The name of the MATLAB function file should be UpperCamelCase.m, e.g. SingleSource.m. In addition to that, the function name needs to be the same.
## Function signature
The ARTOA4 repository contains a MyTrackingMethod.m.sample file with the following content. It prints all the parameters that are given to the function. This is also a recommended way to start when creating your own plugin.
function [positions, clockError] = MyTrackingMethod(pData, pSoundsourcePositions, pCombinationDetails, pStartEndPosition)
%MYTRACKINGMETHOD A sample function to write your own tracking algorithms
% Parameters:
% pData (struct):
% Data structured by soundsource. The toa is already corrected
% (e.g. doppler correction etc.)
% pSoundsourcePositions (struct):
% The soundsource positions [deg].
% pCombinationDetails (table):
% Contains all information of the current soundsource
% combination.
% pStartEndPosition (double, logical):
% Set to false if it has not been passed by artoa. Contains the
% desired start and end position as a matrix of row vectors.
% Returns:
% positions (double):
% The calculated list of segment positions as a X x 2 column vector.
% clockError (double):
% The estimated clock error.
%% Get reference position and all soundsource names that are involved
referencePosition = cellfun(@str2double, strsplit(pCombinationDetails.referencePosition{1}));
soundsourceNames = strsplit(pCombinationDetails.soundsources{1});
%% Show all data that has been passed to the plugin method
%% Return NaN because this is a sample
positions = NaN(size(pData.(soundsourceNames{1}).date, 1), 2);
clockError = [];