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Paleoclimate Dynamics / Projects / PalMod / Boundary Condition Creator
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterGeneration of AWI-ESM Boundary Conditions from various reconstructions
Archived 2Updated -
Python toolbox for managing and transforming GPS positions for measurements into a cartesian coordinate system anchored in drifting sea ice using a reference station.
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Paleoclimate Dynamics / Utilities / intake_pism
MIT LicenseAn Intake Driver for PISM Files to easily handle common attribute manipulations
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Scripts and configuration files to process ALS data from MOSAiC both with als_level1b_seaice (IDL Level-1b processor) and awi-als-toolbox (python code for high level data products)
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MESH / meshtools-creator
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Python module of Uwe Zenker (WERUM Software & Systems AG) to connect to and query AWI Datapool (Hadoop system) on behalf of the AWI Data Centre. Access near realtime data, DSHIP data and PANGAEA data warehouse in one go!
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This repository hosts scripts and machine-readable documentation for the processing data collected at MOSAiC with the GEM-2 broadband electromagnetic induction sensor (GEM-2)
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Work Package 1.2 Phase Space Experiments focusing on MIS 3.
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Utility to create the AWI Basemap for maps.awi.de, data.awi.de and marine-data.de.
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Various snippets that may come in handy
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Transformation of GPS positions into a translating and rotating coordinate reference system
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Python code bits for the CLEV2ER sea ice ground processor prototype (GPP)
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Code and data to perform validation of CryoTEMPO sea ice product with NASA Operation IceBridge Data