function [positions, clockError] = SingleSource(pData, pSoundsourcePositions, pCombinationDetails, pStartEndPosition)
%SINGLESOURCE Estimates the trajectory by using only one soundsource.
% Parameters:
% pData (struct):
% Data structured by soundsource. The toa is already corrected
% (e.g. doppler correction etc.)
% pSoundsourcePositions (struct):
% The soundsource positions [deg].
% pCombinationDetails (table):
% Contains all information of the current soundsource
% combination.
% pStartEndPosition (double, logical):
% Set to false if it has not been passed by artoa. Contains the
% desired start and end position as a matrix of row vectors.
% Returns:
% positions (double):
% The calculated list of segment positions as a X x 2 column vector.
% clockError (double):
% The estimated clock error.
%% Check input
referencePositionStart = cellfun( ...
@str2double, ...
strsplit(pCombinationDetails.referencePosition{1}) ...
referencePositionEnd = cellfun( ...
@str2double, ...
strsplit(pCombinationDetails.referencePositionEnd{1}) ...
if any(isnan(referencePositionStart)) || any(isnan(referencePositionEnd))
error([mfilename ': SingleSource algorithm requires BOTH (Reference) Positions to be set!']);
%% Get required data
% use only the first soundsource, even if there are more available
soundsourceName = strsplit(pCombinationDetails.soundsources{1});
soundsourceName = soundsourceName{1};
%% Prepare data for calculations
% get a date vector (does not matter which one)
dates = cell2mat(pData.(soundsourceName).date);
distances = cell2mat(pData.(soundsourceName).distance);
soundsourcePosition = pSoundsourcePositions.(soundsourceName);
% initialize return variables
positions = [ ...
referencePositionStart; ...
%endPosition = str2num(pCombinationDetails.referencePositionEnd{:});
%clockError = [];
%% Algorithm
dateLength = length(dates); % number of points to calculate trajectory for
% time between position fixes %!!! needs generalization accordind to float's RAFOS schedule
timeStep = diff(dates(1:2)) * 86400;
averageHorizontalVelocity = ( ...
distance(str2num(pCombinationDetails.referencePositionEnd{:}), ...
str2num(pCombinationDetails.referencePosition{:})) * 60 * 1852) ...
/ ( ...
(pCombinationDetails.combinationEnd - pCombinationDetails.combinationBegin) ...
* 86400 ...
); % in meter per second
% calculate main loop values
maxJ = length(averageHorizontalVelocity:.05:5 * averageHorizontalVelocity);
j = 0;
% initialize container for calculated positions
positions_calculated(1:maxJ,:,1:2) = NaN*ones(maxJ,dateLength,2);
for horizontalVelocity = averageHorizontalVelocity:.05:5 * averageHorizontalVelocity
j = j + 1;
% get current distance [km] according to current toa
currentDistance = distances(i);
if i == 1
lastFloatPosition(1) = referencePositionStart(1);
lastFloatPosition(2) = referencePositionStart(2);
[~, oldbearing] = distance( ...
referencePositionStart(1), ...
referencePositionStart(2), ...
referencePositionEnd(1), ...
referencePositionEnd(2) ...
[lat, lon] = scxsc( ...
soundsourcePosition(1), ...
soundsourcePosition(2), ...
km2deg(currentDistance), ...
lastFloatPosition(1), ...
lastFloatPosition(2), ...
km2deg(horizontalVelocity * timeStep / 1000) ...
%% So we have usually 2 solution, which one to select? --> the one closer towards the final point
[helper, newbearing] = distance( ...
lastFloatPosition(1), ...
lastFloatPosition(2), ...
lat, ...
lon ...
%! besser: der punkt der sich auf der Verbindungsachse zwischen
% A und B in Richtung B bewegt
if ~isnan(helper(1)) % intersection found
helper = abs(newbearing - oldbearing);
helperindi = find(helper == min(helper));
oldbearing = newbearing(helperindi);
lastFloatPosition(1) = lat(helperindi);
lastFloatPosition(2) = lon(helperindi);
positions_calculated(j,i,1) = lastFloatPosition(1);
positions_calculated(j,i,2) = lastFloatPosition(2);
validdata = find(~isnan(positions_calculated(:, end, 1)));
helper = distance( ...
referencePositionEnd(1), ...
referencePositionEnd(2), ...
positions_calculated(validdata, end, 1), ...
positions_calculated(validdata, end, 2) ...
jindi = find(helper == min(helper));
positions(1:dateLength, 1) = positions_calculated(validdata(jindi), :, 1)';
positions(1:dateLength, 2) = positions_calculated(validdata(jindi), :, 2)';
% ich vermute mal das dies der Unterschied gemessene toa zu der
% "von der errechneten Position abgeleiteten toa". der ist null da wir
% ihn of 0 zwingen.
clockError = zeros(length(positions_calculated), 1);