column Offset Start Date (non editable)
taken from "-offset" in soso file. Gives date on which Offset Start was determined
column Offset Start (non editable)
taken from "-offset" in soso file. Gives SoSo offset on Offset Start Date (negative = late?)
column Offset End Date (non editable)
taken from "-rcv_offset" in soso file. Gives date on which Offset End was determined
column Offset End (non editable)
taken from "-rcv_offset" in soso file. Gives SoSo offset on Offset End Date (negative = late?)
column Drift (non editable), [seconds/day)
taken from "-drift" in soso file. Manually calculated by editor of soso file as:
(Offset_End - Offset_Start) / (Offset_End_Date - Offset_Start_Date)
column Measured SoundSpeed (non editable)
calculated by"Sound_Speed_Method" on basis of average temperature of selected temperatures (in window "Edit-Temperature"). Populated only once temperature and pressure data have been selected via Edit-Temperature and Edit-Pressure. Note:
ARTOA (at least at startup) uses this value to calculated the SAT-ETA (estimated times of arrival based on satellite fixes) for the TOA window.
column Empirical SoundSpeed (non editable)
taken from "-sound_speed" in soso file. (Note to programmer: Should be changed to "-empiric_sound_speed for consistency of nomencalture)
column Optimum SoundSpeed (non editable)
calculated by ARTOA "Calculate offsets" How????
column Applied SoundSpeed (editable !)
value is set by either copying "Measured", "Emprical" or " Optimum" to "Applied" (see window "Offset controls", lower right) or by manually typing into this field.
! for reasons unknonw, the Float's Applied Soundspeed affects the inversion results, while the Soso's Applied Soundspeeds are needed to run the program. To be checked !
! column Applied Soundspeed must be populated with values for each SoSo used in the inversion to be able to execute "Calculate Offsets". The value is used to calculate the hypothetical travel time from the distance between the Satellite-Fix position and the respective Sound Source !
column Emprical Offset (non editable)
taken from "-empric_offset" in soso file. Gives Empric Offset entered manually by editor of soso file based on experiece. Should be associated with data given in "Offset Start Date".
This window gives an overview of known offsets and drifts of the assigned sound sources, based on either physical measurements at sea (Start and End Offsets and Drift), user experience (Empirical (Start-)Offset and Empirical Drift), or Matrix Inversion (Optimum Offset and Drift).
Any of these values can be assigned to "Applied", which will be used in calculating float positions. Unknonw Values (NaNs) default to 0, or can be populated with Optimal Values (from Matrix Inversion)
column Emprical Drift (non editable)
taken from "-empric_drift" in soso file. Gives Empric Drift entered manually by editor of soso file based on, e.g., results on the merged inversion of multiple floats.
column Optimum Total Offset (non editable)
calculated by ARTOA "Calculate offsets"
column Optimum Total Drift (non editable)
calculated by ARTOA "Calculate offsets" by inverting the eqation:
column Applied Offset (editable !)
value is set by either copying "Measured", "Emprical" or " Optimum" to "Applied" (see window "Offset controls", lower right) or by manually typing into this field.
! valid numbers in the column Applied Offsets are applied in the creation of the inversion matrix but are excluded from the inversion proper.
column Applied Drift (editable !)
value is set by either copying "Measured", "Emprical" or " Optimum" to "Applied" (see window "Offset controls", lower right) or by manually typing into this field.
! values in the column Applied Drift are applied in the creation of the inversion matrix but are excluded from the inversion proper.