This wiki contains all documentation that is created outside of the source code. This includes for example documents about the new file structure using MATLAB packages.
ARTOA 4 user manual
ARTOA 4 main window
- Page tabs
- File
- Edit
- Show
- Track
- View
- Tracking Parameters
- Combination Control
- Offsets
- Offsets control
Known Issues
- When having deleted all tracks in the trajectory window, renewed tracking throws an error message. Workaround: Close the trajectory window and retrack from the main window
ARTOA4 memory data format specification
The specification defines the structure of the MATLAB variables that are used by ARTOA3. The following formats are available:
ARTOA4 Algorithms
The documentation of the algorithms can be found in the following documents:
ARGO trajectory export
artoa4 provides an export to netCDF function. This function is available through the File -> Save -> Argo trajectory file menu entry.
This will generate a netCDF file based on the argo specification.