This wiki contains all documentation that is created outside of the source code. This includes for example documents about the new file structure using MATLAB packages.
ARTOA 4 user manual
Note: This version of ARTOA4 was developed under Matlab 2020a. It seems to work under 2020b. However, it does not work under 2021b (Temperature und Pressure windows show no data).
ARTOA 4 main window
- Page tabs
- Tracking Parameters
- Combination Control
- Offsets
- Offset controls
Known Issues
- When having deleted all tracks in the trajectory window, renewed tracking throws an error message. Workaround: Close the trajectory window and retrack from the main window
Time Of Arrival window
Left hand information panels
- Soundsource colors
- TOA histogram
- Adjust colormap boundaries
- Duplicates
Central TOA display
- Scatterplot of TOAs. In grey scale (controlled by "Adjust colormap boundaries") for unassigned TOAs, in color (according to "soundsource colors" for TOAs assigned to a certain sound source.
- Message date = ......
Right hand control buttons
- Select
Allows defining a ploygon by consecutive left-clicks and its closure by a right cklick. Minimum number of corners is 4. All TOA points therein are selected.
Rectangle by date range
Defines a rectangular selection box limited by Start and End dates in x, and full TOA range in y. All TOA points therein are selected. Start and End dates are entered via popup and are indicated by vertical gray lines.
- SoundSource
- Apply
- Apply All Visible
- Withdraw
- Withdraw All Visible
- Rempap
- Shift
Shift selected
Shifts all selected TOAs (vertically) by the amount of seconds entered. Used, e.g., to correct for undocumented jumps in the floats clock, resulting in jumps in the TOA.
Reset selected
Reset all
ARTOA4 memory data format specification
The specification defines the structure of the MATLAB variables that are used by ARTOA3. The following formats are available:
ARTOA4 Algorithms
The documentation of the algorithms can be found in the following documents:
ARGO trajectory export
artoa4 provides an export to netCDF function. This function is available through the File -> Save -> Argo trajectory file menu entry.
This will generate a netCDF file based on the argo specification.